Philippe Starck: Keynote to Design Design as Weapon for Marketing Create the Image who will use the Design Object The Big Challenge for the Start: Integrate into the mutation of live we are currently at half of our human live … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Illustration

5 Tricks to design and upgrade your Flat
We’re working on our flat since quite some time. Here are the best 5 Tricks to get your flat to the latest style 1. Use a Colorguide The most comprehensive way to lead from zero to hero is colorguide. Image: … Continue reading

Helvetica: 9 Amazing Examples of TypographyI
Helvetica: 9 Amazing Examples of Typography Typography is minimalistic but also amazingly strong. For example, the Helvetica Font is the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. The appeal for a … Continue reading

5 Tipps Haltung von gigantischen Insekten
Bei gigantischen Insekten ist auf folgenden Punkte zu achten Gehege und Auslauf Das Gehege sollte mindestens dem 25 fachen der Körpergröße entsprechen Beispiel: der Käfer ist 1.2 Meter groß, dann sollte des Gehege mindestens 30 M2 Fläche haben Naturumgebung und … Continue reading
Interesting Design Concepts
These Design Concepts are used to visualize Ideas and Basic Concepts. The Submarine is a Vision for a manned Explorationvehicle With the Airfan the idea was to visualize basic Mechanical Concepts The WaterBottle combines a cup with the Bottlefixture behind … Continue reading